ANE has launched 'Emergency Cash for Rent Assistance Project' funded by UNOCHA in East Guji field coordination office

ANE has launched 'Emergency Cash for Rent Assistance Project' funded by UNOCHA in East Guji field coordination office

ANE East Guji field coordination office has launched ‘Emergency Cash for Rent Assistance project', a new project funded by UNOCHA in Gorodola woreda, Guji zone ,Oromia region in the presence of ANE's Managing Director Mr. Salihu Sultan, Higher Government Officials including Guji zone vice administrator and other Humanitarian aid workers from NGOs. It is known that the project will benefit 780 HH IDPs.

This project will also benefit 2760HH (15,180 individuals) in Bule hora and Dugda dawa woredas of West Guji Zone through provision of ESNFI in-kind including people with disability kits.The kit composition consists of Plastic sheeting/tarpaulin, Rope, Wooden poles, Roof Nails, Wire nails, Blankets, Bed mat, Mosquito Net, Kettle, Plate, Cup, Cooking pots, Cooking Ladle, Jerrycan and Mattresses.

Project document hand over has taken place between ANE and Gorodola woreda administration

In the meantime Project document hand over has taken place between ANE and Gorodola woreda administration administrator on the same day.

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