ANE Visited the Kuwait Embassy in Addis Ababa


Dr. Meftah A Meftah, who was here upon ANE's invitation to facilitate partnership support, visited the Kuwait Embassy in Addis Ababa together with Ato Salihu Sultan, Managing Director for ANE and other members of the delegation.

The delegation was warmly welcomed by H.E the Deputy Ambassador. In the discussion that followed, the delegation briefed the Deputy Ambassador about the vast humanitarian and development challenges and the various services ANE provides to refugees, vulnerable host communities and an increasing number of IDPs.

Dr. Muftah introduced himself and explained the nature of his visit to support ANE in its growing need to scale up its services and contribute more significantly to the overall effort being made to overcome the vast humanitarian and development challenges. In particular, he spoke at length highlighting the very concerning humanitarian and development challenges he observed while visiting Negelle, Borena on 23/04/2024 together with ANE’s Board Members and Management. He explained the crying unmet needs that he observed at the Negelle Hospital whose facilities have been completely dilapidated and need immediate action to alleviate the abject suffering of people. He stressed his confidence ANE can do the job if it is supported by concerned partners through the good offices of the Embassy. He said, "Kuwait is often referred to as the humanitarian capital in the MENA Region."

Speaking on the topic of goodwill and cooperation, Ato Salihu emphasized that, in addition to the humanitarian support, ANE fundamentally wants strategic partnerships that can bring about durable solution in a sustainable approach.

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